Group Email Manager
lists.ithaca.edu email list
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aaha (AAHA Majors, Minors, Faculty & Staff (Dept. of Art, Art History, and Architecture) )
actscores (ACT Score Reporting)
admissionism (To be used for technical issues and vendor comms.)
admissionstaff (All members of the Office of Admission)
adv (Advancement )
adv-data (For the Advancement Services Liaison Group)
advancenotice (send code changes, policy changes to other staff)
ahbuilding (listserv for Alumni Hall occupants)
ai (IT Architecture and Infrastructure)
allycommunity (IC Ally Community)
architecture (Architecture Majors Listserv)
astroclub (Astronomy Club)
avtechs (IT Audio Visual Technology Support Student Staff and Full Time Staff)
bann-aid (Implementation Team Information)
bi (Business Intelligence at Ithaca College)
bp_list (Business Productivity List)
campuscenter (List for Campus Center Staff)
cc-summer (Campus Center ccsummer)
ccdiscipline (Campus center staff list regarding discipline)
ccesdiscipline (Discipline Notification at CCES)
ccom (Campus Center Operations Managers)
cie (Center for ID and ET)
cmd (Majors + minors in Communication, Strategy, and Design)
coatcoaches (COAT Digital Coaching listerv of Lewis & Cortland County volunteers)
crc (For the Division of Marketing and Communications Staff)
cs (CS faculty)
cs-ft (CS Full-time faculty)
cs-majors (Majors in the department of Computer Science)
cscre-events (Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity)
cts (IT Creative Technology Specialists)
docstudiesmajors (Doc Studies Majors)
ecmcoord (ECM Coordination Team)
ecmdevteam (ECM Development Team listserv)
ect (IT Engagement and Client Technologies)
editingandpublishing (student in editing and publishing course)
educ_students (teacher ed majors and ed studies minors)
endpointtechs (IT Endpoint Systems Service Student Staff and Full Time Staff)
englfaculty (English Dept. Faculty Members)
english (Majors and minors of the English Department)
englishmajors (departments communication with english majors)
englishminors (English minors)
envsgrads (Graduates of Environmental Studies and Sciences)
esatfaculty-staff (Exercise Science and Athletic Training Faculty & Staff)
espfaculty (Environmental Studies Faculty)
espstudents (Environmental Studies Program students)
ess (Enrollment and Student Success)
essa (Mailing List for the Exercise Science Student Association Members)
et14 (List for IT workers on East Tower 14th floor)
etdstaff (Educational Technology Day Student Staff)
exploratoryfaculty (Exploratory Faculty Information)
facultycouncil (A forum for current members of Faculty Council)
firstgenmembers (Email list for First Generation Students)
ftwritingfaculty (list of full time writing faculty)
gannett (A list serve for all employees in Gannett.)
giftnotice (Communicate about special pledges, gifts & donors)
grescores (grescores)
hshpall-school (Full-Time Faculty, Staff, and Deans)
hshpchairs (List of all HSHP Chairs)
hshpfacultydeans (Full-time Faculty AND Deans)
hshpfacultyonly (Full Time FACULTY only)
hshpstaff (Email list for HSHP staff members. )
ibp (International Buddy Program)
ibpcontinuing (International Buddy Program)
icbeeclub (Members of the Ithaca College Bee Club)
iccloudfinancials (IC Cloud Financials)
icdba (List for the DBA's to get all required emails)
icheadoverheels (Head Over Heels Cast)
icic (Ithaca College International Club)
icit-banner9-beta (This list contains our beta testers for Banner9.)
icit-banner9-tech (Technical staff for banner 9 implementation - no longer used)
icit_certalert (alerts fm svc monitors)
icnl (List for ICNL committee members)
icpaclassof2026 (IC PA Class of 2026 )
icteach (Discussion of teaching among IC faculty and staff)
ictv (Mailing List for Ithaca College Television)
int_orientation (for new international students)
intercom (Notification of new story contributed to intercom)
intercom-roundup (a roundup of the past weeks news in Intercom)
international-students (international students contact lists)
ipm (International Buddy Program)
it-all (All IT full-time staff)
italumni (IT Student Employee Alumni)
itapplicants (List for prospective IT student staff)
itareasupervisors (For full time supervisors of students in IT)
itginetwork (IT Gender Inclusion Network)
iticateam (Shared email address for the Analytics Team)
itnewhires (IT Newly Hired Student Staff)
itoffice (IT Office Student Staff and Full Time Staff)
itsemesteraway (For IT student staff who are away for a semester)
itstudentmgr (IT Student Managers and Full Time Staff)
itsummer (IT Summer Student Staff)
jobups (Job UPS Message List)
journalismmajors (Journalism Majors at Ithaca College)
latinamerican (Latin American Studies)
ledm (Communicate with LEDM minors)
legalstudies (For Legal Studies Majors and Minors)
lgbtcenter (LGBT Center news and announcements)
librarians (listserv for all librarians at Ithaca College)
librarystaff (For internal library communications)
ltc (IT Learning Technology Consultants)
macs (Math & CS faculty)
macs-ft (Math & CS full-time faculty)
majorslane (So slane can test a migrated majordomo list)
mass (All MASS students)
math (Math faculty)
math-ft (Math full-time faculty)
math-majors (Majors in the department of Mathematics)
medren (Medieval and Renaissance studies listserve)
mes (Marketing and Enrollment Strategy)
mic (Notifications of File Transfer Status)
mued2020 (music education department members)
naturerx (Ithaca College Campus Nature Rx)
nolijusergroup (Nolij User Group)
outandproud (IC Out and Proud Community)
parkcastcrewcalls (Casting & Crew Opportunities on Student Films)
parkfaculty (List for Park faculty only.)
parknews (students, staff and faculty discuss park's future)
parkpost (All Post Production needs in the Park School)
parkproductions (Park Productions Members)
parkscholars (This list will be used by the Park Scholar program to communicate with scholars.)
parkschool (mailing list for Park School faculty and full time staff)
parkstaff (this list is for all park staff (excluding faculty))
parkstudents (all current Park students)
parkvotingfac (Park School eligible voting faculty)
parnapps (Parnassus Application Administration)
pc (Information about Protestant Community events)
pcimfriends (park center for independent media (PCIM))
philosophy (philosophy majors and minors)
physics-faculty (Communication among physics faculty)
physics-students (communication among physics students)
pimuepsilon (PME math honor society)
politicalengagement (Poltical Engagement Initatives)
politics (Inform department of events, meetings, and plans.)
politicsmajors (Professional opportunities and networking events.)
ppecs (To report problems encountered in the Portable Equipment Center.)
prism (Prism is an on-campus queer community club.)
ptwritingfaculty (list of part time writing faculty)
religiousstudies (religious studies majors and minors)
review (Facilitate review topics)
s-team (ALL Information Technology Services Student Staff and Supervisors)
scales (community support for weight watchers at work)
seecommittee (Student Employment Enhancement Committee Members)
seesupervisors (Supervisors of student employees (for SEE info))
seniorclass (Senior Class Executive Board messages)
seniorwritingminors (senior writing minors)
serlingaward (Serling Award information)
servicedesk (IT Service Desk Student Staff and Full Time Staff)
servicedesk-test (test account for Service Desk)
sfs_checks (Report output for student paper checks.)
sgc_allcampus (All IC students, including Senior Leadership Team)
sigfriends (SIGUCCS Friends)
slcs (Student Leadership Consultants)
southhillmentoring (Mentor/Mentee Program opportunities and events.)
spirituallife (Office of Religious and Spiritual Life)
sportsmediamajors (Students enrolled in the Sports Media major)
ssoteam (individuals that can manage and update single sign configurations for an application)
staffcouncilmembers (Tthe membership of IC Staff Council)
staffliaisons (The Technology Liaisons for IT)
test-list (List to test mailing list functions)
toxlab (Members of the IC Tox Lab)
vicradio (listserv for VIC radio staff)
web-team-updates (Announcements for web content owners & site teams.)
wicb (Email list for WICB-FM)
writingfaculty (A list of writing department faculty members.)
writingmajoralumni (list of writing major alumni)
writingmajors (an e-mail list of all current writing majors)
writingminors (an e-mail list of all current writing minors)
writingseniors (Senior Students in the Writing Department)
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